Ancient Nutritional Powerhouses

In today’s health-conscious world, the search for nutrient-dense, versatile, and sustainable food options is more critical than ever. Among the diverse range of ancient grains making a resurgence, the amaranth grain stands out due to its exceptional nutritional profile and historical significance. Naturally gluten-free and packed with essential nutrients, amaranth offers a multitude of health benefits that make it a must-have in modern diets.

The Nutritional Benefits of the Amaranth Grain and Leaf

Amaranth is a treasure trove of essential nutrients. It is particularly rich in manganese, iron, vitamin A, and vitamin K. These nutrients play crucial roles in maintaining overall health…


This mineral is essential for bone health and metabolism. It helps in the formation of connective tissues, bones, and blood-clotting factors.

Vitamin A

Known for its role in maintaining healthy vision, vitamin A also supports immune function and skin health. It is a potent antioxidant that helps combat inflammation.

Vitamin K

Crucial for blood clotting and bone health, vitamin K helps in the maintenance of strong bones and supports cardiovascular health.


Vital for oxygen transport in the blood and energy production, iron is essential for preventing anaemia and maintaining high energy levels.

The amaranth leaf is also a good source of protein, providing all nine essential amino acids, making it an excellent option for vegetarians and vegans. Its high fibre content aids in digestion and helps maintain a healthy gut.

Incorporating Amaranth into Your Diet

One of the most appealing aspects of the amaranth grain is its versatility. Its nutty flavour and slightly crunchy texture make it a delightful addition to various dishes. 

Here are some simple and delicious ways to incorporate amaranth into your daily diet…

Breakfast Porridge

Start your day with a warm bowl of Umoya Thrive breakfast cereals, which can be found at your local Wellness Warehouse store. 

Salad Topper

Sprinkle popped amaranth over salads to add a delightful crunch and boost the nutritional value.


Use amaranth flour in your baking recipes. It can be used to make bread, muffins, and pancakes, providing a gluten-free alternative to traditional flour.


Add a spoonful of your favourite Umoya Nutrient Boost powder to your smoothies. It blends well and enhances the nutritional content while providing a burst of flavour. 

Exploring Other Ancient Grains

In addition to amaranth, other ancient grains native to South Africa offer substantial health benefits and culinary versatility. Two notable examples are sorghum and millet.


Another gluten-free grain, sorghum is rich in fibre, protein, and antioxidants. It supports heart health, aids in digestion, and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Sorghum can be used in a variety of dishes, from porridge to flatbreads and salads.


A staple in many African diets, millet is high in magnesium, which is vital for nerve function, muscle health, and heart health. It is also rich in antioxidants and provides a good source of protein and fibre. Millet can be cooked like rice, added to soups, or made into a nutritious porridge.

Sustainability and Community Support

Choosing to incorporate ancient grains like amaranth, sorghum, and millet into your diet is not just a healthy choice; it is also a sustainable one. These grains are often grown using traditional farming practices that are environmentally friendly. By supporting the consumption of these grains, we contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and the promotion of sustainable agriculture in South Africa and Africa.

Companies like Umoya Foods are committed to sourcing ingredients from small-scale farmers across South Africa. This not only ensures the highest quality produce, but also supports the livelihoods of local farmers and strengthens community bonds. Sustainable farming practices are encouraged, contributing to a healthier planet and a more robust local economy.

A Step Towards a Healthier Lifestyle

Incorporating the amaranth grain and other ancient grains into your meals is a step towards a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle. Their rich nutrient profiles and versatility make them an excellent addition to any diet. Whether you are looking to enhance your breakfast, add variety to your baking, or boost the nutritional content of your smoothies, ancient grains offer countless possibilities.

By embracing these nutritional powerhouses, we honour traditional agricultural wisdom, support local farmers, and contribute to our overall well-being. Amaranth grain, sorghum, millet, and other ancient grains are not just food choices; they are a celebration of South Africa’s rich agricultural heritage and a commitment to a healthier future.

“Wellness Warehouse strives to help you live life well but because we are retailers and not medical practitioners we cannot offer medical advice. Please always consult your medical practitioner before taking any supplements, complementary medicines or have any health concerns and ensure that you always read labels, warnings and directions carefully, prior to consumption.”